
The information presented in this litepaper, including descriptions of product features, project vision, and operational mechanics, is provided on an "as is" basis and should not be construed as promises or commitments. The contents of this litepaper are presented for informational purposes only and are subject to change at any time, based on feedback and decisions from the community, as well as decisions made by the Kuza Finance team.

By accessing, reading, or using the information contained within this litepaper, you acknowledge and agree to the fact that all information is provided on a provisional basis and may be altered without prior notice. Kuza Finance is not designed or intended to function as an investment tool. It is a platform for experimentation and exploration in the DeFi space.

Any decision to participate should be based on a comprehensive understanding of DeFi technologies and their inherent risks. Participants are strongly encouraged to conduct their research and, where appropriate, consult with financial experts before engaging with the project. Before participating in Kuza Finance, you acknowledge the inherent risks involved in such an experimental project. These risks include, but are not limited to, market volatility, security threats, smart contract vulnerabilities, and the uncertain regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrencies.

Last updated